Outdoor Volunteers Needed - Playground Painting Project
The CFEC received a grant in the spring to purchase reusable playground stencils and we are looking for small groups of volunteers to paint them onto our playgrounds. We believe these interactive games and designs will inspire our kids to learn and move while outdoors. The CFEC team has worked with teachers and principals at both schools to identify the outdoor locations for the developmentally appropriate stencil games. Research shows that elementary school children spend more of their outdoor activity time in active play when the spaces are enhanced with colorful and vibrant activities. Active play fires up the neurons in our brains, which creases a perfect environment for our students to absorb new information and work on their fine motor, gross motor, cognitive, language, social-emotional and self-help skills. If you are interested in this fun and socially distant volunteer project at The Children's Center or The Special Children's School, please contact Shana Heilbron at shana@thecfec.org.